Christmas in the works

“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift.” – 2 Corinthians 9:15

Dear CBC Family,

Next week is Christmas! Some holidays seem to come and go without much anticipation, or memory, but that has never been my experience with Christmas. Every year Christmas brings new insights into the Son of God who took on flesh and dwelt among us!

You will never really enjoy, or understand, Christmas until you can look into your heavenly Father’s face in wonder and awe after receiving His incredible gift. It is my prayer that this experience is not only yours this year but it will also come to the people you know who do not currently have a relationship with Jesus Christ. To that end why not invite them to come to our Christmas Eve service on the 24th at 5:00 PM? This service will be less than an hour from start to finish and is a fantastic way to expose your family and friends to the Jesus of the Bible.

I wanted to thank those of you who support the Lord’s work through our church. The only income we have comes from the faithful giving of those who value the word of God and what we are trying to accomplish. I am extremely grateful to be in a body of people who take Truth so seriously. May the Lord bless you for your faithfulness to Him. We appreciate you so much!

This weekend we will be in Ruth chapter 4 continuing to look at the amazing interactions of Ruth, Naomi, Boaz and the Sovereign God who has been working behind the scenes. I think you will be surprised at how things turn out. I love this little book!

“Unto us a Son is given” and may that Son be the light and joy of your Christmas both this year and always.


Pastor Scott





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