Scott Lowther
Senior Pastor
Pastor Scott is the Senior Pastor of Community Bible Church. His duties include teaching from the pulpit, spiritual direction, serving alongside the Elder Board, leading the staff, and shepherding the flock with the pastoral staff.
Pastor Scott joined CBC in 2005. He has been studying and teaching the Bible for more than 30 years. He has an extensive background in church leadership and is often called upon to help assist churches who are having leadership problems. Scott is a perpetual student and avid writer. He will be working on his masters degree in theology and is in the process of writing two books based upon his experiences in church leadership. He teaches in our Bible Institute, membership class, small groups, and occasionally for the prayer meeting on Sunday evenings. His passion is discipleship, worship and outreach. He is the primary teacher in the pulpit during the weekend services. Scott has a reputation of being a straight shooter in the Word. "I am blessed to have a great family and many good friends at CBC. Why the Lord would allow me to be involved in His work is beyond me as I'm just a worm saved by His grace".
Pastor Scott joined CBC in 2005. He has been studying and teaching the Bible for more than 30 years. He has an extensive background in church leadership and is often called upon to help assist churches who are having leadership problems. Scott is a perpetual student and avid writer. He will be working on his masters degree in theology and is in the process of writing two books based upon his experiences in church leadership. He teaches in our Bible Institute, membership class, small groups, and occasionally for the prayer meeting on Sunday evenings. His passion is discipleship, worship and outreach. He is the primary teacher in the pulpit during the weekend services. Scott has a reputation of being a straight shooter in the Word. "I am blessed to have a great family and many good friends at CBC. Why the Lord would allow me to be involved in His work is beyond me as I'm just a worm saved by His grace".

Lon Ackelson
Lon received an M. Div degree from Talbot Theological Seminary and a Th. D. from Trinity Theological Seminary, Tennyson, Indiana. He and his wife, Janet began attending Community Bible Church in 1984. Currently, he serves as an elder, Bible Institute teacher, mission committee member, and Kids Quest teacher.
Lon is an assigned writer for adult Sunday school quarterly magazines. His editing company, Ackelson Lighthouse Editing, has been in business since 1997, and he has edited a number of Christian book and article manuscripts (all have been accepted by publishers either he or the writers have contacted). He also co-wrote and edited How Heavenly Is Your Church? published in 2008.
Lon is an assigned writer for adult Sunday school quarterly magazines. His editing company, Ackelson Lighthouse Editing, has been in business since 1997, and he has edited a number of Christian book and article manuscripts (all have been accepted by publishers either he or the writers have contacted). He also co-wrote and edited How Heavenly Is Your Church? published in 2008.