The Name of The Lord is a Strong Tower

Dear CBC Family,
I would appreciate your prayers as my niece’s daughter is having major surgery right now. She has a heart defect, a one-inch hole, that has caused her entire body to be 1/3 the size of a normal child. She has had muscle removed from other places on her body to rebuild her damaged heart. The doctors will attach a pacemaker to her diaphragm since her heart is so injured. She has been in surgery since 4:00 AM. It’s now 1:00 PM and she is still being worked on.
Tonight, I am off to speak to a group of men and women who have been written off due to their addictions. It was either rehab or jail for most of them so please pray that the Lord’s Word will set the captive free. I feel compelled to go, especially after looking at the life of Boaz and the way he showed who his God was by the way he loved the outcast. I have a timely study for them from 1 Chronicles which I hope will be used to bring them to the feet of Jesus.
This weekend we will continue with Ruth and, based upon the feedback and questions I had about a side comment (the tower of the flock), we will explore the connection between Ruth, Boaz, Naomi, David and that piece of land. You will be amazed. Bring a friend who needs to see the amazing way the Bible is knit together. I would believe in God based upon this study alone!
Please note that tomorrow we will have the power shut off to install the last piece of the solar equipment so we will not have phone service or internet for most of the day and evening. We will be generating our own power Thursday morning. Thank you, Jesus!
May the Lord be glorified and magnified in each of our lives this week as we reap in His harvest field.
Blessings to you little flock.
I would appreciate your prayers as my niece’s daughter is having major surgery right now. She has a heart defect, a one-inch hole, that has caused her entire body to be 1/3 the size of a normal child. She has had muscle removed from other places on her body to rebuild her damaged heart. The doctors will attach a pacemaker to her diaphragm since her heart is so injured. She has been in surgery since 4:00 AM. It’s now 1:00 PM and she is still being worked on.
Tonight, I am off to speak to a group of men and women who have been written off due to their addictions. It was either rehab or jail for most of them so please pray that the Lord’s Word will set the captive free. I feel compelled to go, especially after looking at the life of Boaz and the way he showed who his God was by the way he loved the outcast. I have a timely study for them from 1 Chronicles which I hope will be used to bring them to the feet of Jesus.
This weekend we will continue with Ruth and, based upon the feedback and questions I had about a side comment (the tower of the flock), we will explore the connection between Ruth, Boaz, Naomi, David and that piece of land. You will be amazed. Bring a friend who needs to see the amazing way the Bible is knit together. I would believe in God based upon this study alone!
Please note that tomorrow we will have the power shut off to install the last piece of the solar equipment so we will not have phone service or internet for most of the day and evening. We will be generating our own power Thursday morning. Thank you, Jesus!
May the Lord be glorified and magnified in each of our lives this week as we reap in His harvest field.
Blessings to you little flock.
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