Year-end information

Dear CBC Family,

It’s the week before Christmas and for the first time since Thanksgiving I’ve taken a day to reflect about what the coming of Jesus Christ means to me, as an individual, and us as a church. It’s very easy during the holidays to get overwhelmed with business and yet, the more I read the Bible, the more I see there isn’t a command to actually do that. There is always “something” to do at work, or around the house, but instead of striving to “catch up” the Bible tells us to slow down. So, today I am going to slow down and go and see the Great Physician. Maybe you want to come along?

On my way there I’m thinking about my work and God’s work. “My Father is always working,” Jesus said in John 5:17. God is never idle, lazy or sleeping. He never stops production. He takes no vacations, sick days or mental health days off. Yes, He rested on the seventh day of creation but got back to work on day eight and hasn’t stopped since. Am I supposed to work like that? Is this the reason some things just aren’t working right? Do I just need to work more and harder? Does the Bible have anything to say here?

Joseph’s story appeared to stall out in Genesis 40. Our boy was in shackles in a prison. History was now in a holding pattern. But while Joseph was waiting, God was working. He assembled the characters. God placed the butler in Joseph’s care. He stirred the sleep of the king with odd dreams. He confused Pharaoh’s counselors. And, at just the right time, God called Joseph to duty. In that same way He is working for you as well.

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10) reads the sign on God’s waiting room wall. You can be glad because God is working for you. You can be still because he is active for you. You can rest because he is busy for you.

Remember God’s word through Moses to the Israelites? “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today . . . The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:13–14). The Israelites saw the Red Sea ahead of them and heard the Egyptian soldiers thundering after them. Death on every side. Stand still? Are you kidding? But what the former slaves couldn’t see was the hand of God at the bottom of the Red Sea, creating a path, and His breath from heaven, separating the waters to make a way through. God was working for them and He wanted them to see it and stop fretting.

Here is my gift to you to: Take every thought captive, don’t let them take you captive! You do not have to “figure everything out” or “fix” everyone’s problems. You are to take a posture of dependency before the One who “works for those who wait on Him” (Is 64:4) “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him” (Ro 8:28), so let God work! Enjoy the waiting room, it’s peaceful.

Eventually, you’ll get through this waiting room season. Pay careful attention here and you will detect the most wonderful surprise. The doctor will step out of his office and take the seat next to yours. “Just thought I’d keep you company while you are waiting.” Not every physician will do that, but yours will. After all, He is the Great Physician and He is always working everything for your good! Yes, my soul, be still and know that He is God!

Remember that there is no service this coming Saturday night (December 23, 2023). We WILL have the normal Sunday (December 24th) service at 10:00 AM and a special Christmas Eve service at 5:00 PM. The evening service will be an hour start to finish.

The last day to make any financial gifts towards your 2023 giving record is Wednesday, December 27th, including any online gifts. I want to personally thank you for the financial support you have given this year. We are completely dependent on God’s grace and His people to provide for the needs of this fellowship. We are grateful for those of you who see value in the word of God and have financially given to allow us to continue to share it. We appreciate each one of you.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.” May His indescribable gift fill you with great joy! Merry Christmas to each of you.


Pastor Scott





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