Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Prayer Ministry
Do you need prayer? Send your prayer request to our office where the staff would be honored to pray for you. We also have a group of people in the church who love to pray so we may ask if you want us to forward your request to the people at our in-person prayer meeting. Each of these people have the gift of intercession.

weekly In-person Prayer Meeting
Join us for our church-wide, in person, prayer time on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at the church. For more information, please contact the office.

How can we Pray for you?
Do you need prayer? Do you know somebody who does? Our prayer team that meets on Saturday mornings would love to pray for you. We encourage you to join us, but if you can't make it, you can get in contact with us by emailing us your prayer request.
The Prayers & Squares quilt ministry is a way of giving prayers to someone in need through the comfort of a quilt. A prayer quilt is requested for someone and it will be hung in the entry at church. The quilt is put together with ties and as people exit they say a silent prayer for the person in need while tying the tie. The quilt is then given to the recipient who can find comfort in knowing so many people have prayed for them.
If you know of someone suffering and in need of prayers contact the church office.
If you would like more information about Prayers & Squares or would like to volunteer please contact Lynnell Hallock.
If you know of someone suffering and in need of prayers contact the church office.
If you would like more information about Prayers & Squares or would like to volunteer please contact Lynnell Hallock.