Leaving the Rapture Behind

Dear CBC Family,
Last Sunday I made a comment in the sermon which was “the rapture, as it is commonly taught, is false.” I didn’t elaborate the statement and just moved on. That comment ended up getting me inundated with many questions, both from those in the church as well as those outside.
These emails have caused me to dedicate the entire message this weekend to show what the Bible does, and doesn’t, say regarding the rapture. Concepts and ideas take us somewhere and the anti-biblical teaching of multiple comings of the Lord only fuels confusion and destroys the very hope God intends us to have.
Does the Bible teach a “secret” coming followed by another one 7 years later or just a single coming in which “every eye will see Him”? These things are very important so I hope you will join us this weekend in a study I called “Leaving the Rapture Behind.” I guarantee you will come away with a different perspective than the modern prognosticators push. Truth is not determined by what the majority of people believe but by what the Bible actually says. Let’s bow our knees, hearts and minds to what God says is true.
This is a perfect “bring a friend sermon” as it will certainly generate some discussion for you afterwards.
Pastor Scott
Last Sunday I made a comment in the sermon which was “the rapture, as it is commonly taught, is false.” I didn’t elaborate the statement and just moved on. That comment ended up getting me inundated with many questions, both from those in the church as well as those outside.
These emails have caused me to dedicate the entire message this weekend to show what the Bible does, and doesn’t, say regarding the rapture. Concepts and ideas take us somewhere and the anti-biblical teaching of multiple comings of the Lord only fuels confusion and destroys the very hope God intends us to have.
Does the Bible teach a “secret” coming followed by another one 7 years later or just a single coming in which “every eye will see Him”? These things are very important so I hope you will join us this weekend in a study I called “Leaving the Rapture Behind.” I guarantee you will come away with a different perspective than the modern prognosticators push. Truth is not determined by what the majority of people believe but by what the Bible actually says. Let’s bow our knees, hearts and minds to what God says is true.
This is a perfect “bring a friend sermon” as it will certainly generate some discussion for you afterwards.
Pastor Scott
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