Holy Week

Dear CBC Family,
Just a quick reminder of the service schedule this weekend. We will meet Friday at 5:30 PM for an hour to commemorate the passion of our Lord. This service will be very touching and emotional. It will not be recorded for the public but will be a private time only for the church family.
The message is called “Forsaken” and will be told in story format that everyone, of any age, will understand. We will participate together in communion which will be very special. I pray you will make time for this very important time to gather to remember that in Jerusalem 2000 years ago, God the Son, the Creator of all that is (John 1:3), was executed according to the eternal plan of God the Father.
We will NOT be having a Saturday evening service this weekend. Instead, will all gather Easter Sunday morning at 10:00 AM for a very joyful celebration of His resurrection. Please consider who to invite that needs Jesus Christ. These opportunities are very special and we need to advantage of them while we have the chance.
Resurrection Sunday’s message is entitled “Have You Found the Joy You Are Looking For”? If the killing of the Author of life could not extinguish the joy Jesus spoke about, then nothing can—and nothing ever will. No opposition from the world, no opposition to the gospel, and no cultural despising of Christ will overcome the resurrection joy of Jesus.
The Easter joy Jesus foretold has arrived, and it’s deeply personal and needed. The resurrection is both a cosmic event, and it comes intimately close, reminding us of God’s work in our lives. “The point of Easter is that God is in the process of clearing this world of all heartbreak” (John Piper). Therefore, “Christ’s resurrection not only gives you hope for the future; it gives you hope to handle your scars right now” (Tim Keller). Such a restoring and reviving joy was purchased for you and me in the resurrection of Christ. Let’s get together and see how resurrection JOY triumphs over sorrow. Who doesn’t need that in this world? Even death now becomes the servant of our joy!
Remembering Him together,
Pastor Scott
Just a quick reminder of the service schedule this weekend. We will meet Friday at 5:30 PM for an hour to commemorate the passion of our Lord. This service will be very touching and emotional. It will not be recorded for the public but will be a private time only for the church family.
The message is called “Forsaken” and will be told in story format that everyone, of any age, will understand. We will participate together in communion which will be very special. I pray you will make time for this very important time to gather to remember that in Jerusalem 2000 years ago, God the Son, the Creator of all that is (John 1:3), was executed according to the eternal plan of God the Father.
We will NOT be having a Saturday evening service this weekend. Instead, will all gather Easter Sunday morning at 10:00 AM for a very joyful celebration of His resurrection. Please consider who to invite that needs Jesus Christ. These opportunities are very special and we need to advantage of them while we have the chance.
Resurrection Sunday’s message is entitled “Have You Found the Joy You Are Looking For”? If the killing of the Author of life could not extinguish the joy Jesus spoke about, then nothing can—and nothing ever will. No opposition from the world, no opposition to the gospel, and no cultural despising of Christ will overcome the resurrection joy of Jesus.
The Easter joy Jesus foretold has arrived, and it’s deeply personal and needed. The resurrection is both a cosmic event, and it comes intimately close, reminding us of God’s work in our lives. “The point of Easter is that God is in the process of clearing this world of all heartbreak” (John Piper). Therefore, “Christ’s resurrection not only gives you hope for the future; it gives you hope to handle your scars right now” (Tim Keller). Such a restoring and reviving joy was purchased for you and me in the resurrection of Christ. Let’s get together and see how resurrection JOY triumphs over sorrow. Who doesn’t need that in this world? Even death now becomes the servant of our joy!
Remembering Him together,
Pastor Scott
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