Happy Taco Day

Ephesians 4:15 “speak the truth in love”

Dear CBC Family,

Happy Cinco de Mayo (a taco lovers’ holiday)! Today Mexico celebrates its independence even though they declared it fifty years earlier. So, even though they were free they still had to fight.

Sometimes I think Christians are like that. We have been declared free by Jesus at conversion and yet in our experience we still feel bound. Perhaps we too need to need to fight the sin that so easily entangles knowing that Jesus has broken sin’s power in our lives. This does not mean we simply “claim” the victory and do nothing, but, instead, we fight the good fight knowing that the battle has been won. The promises are sure and we shall overcome. “The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.” Ro. 16:20.

We are making great progress in room 700. I expect the painting will be finished today and I will start the floor on Friday (tomorrow). Please be patient……better yet join us and help out.

This weekend the study will be called “Love, the Fruit of Hope.” This study will help us to understand how biblical hope is not just the foundation of joy but also of love. Ephesians 4:15 tells us to speak the truth in love, not to withhold the truth in love. Next week we will see how hope makes us bold but this weekend we need to see how biblical hope and love relate so that when we are bold we get the message right.

Blessings to you my friends,

Pastor Scott




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