Prepared to make a defense

Dear CBC Family,

Sunday afternoon I visited an elderly gentleman who was in hospice care. I
got to talk with him about his soul, God’s righteousness, judgment, sin,
Christ’s work and God’s amazing gift of life. When his daughter asked if he
wanted to receive God’s free gift of life in Christ he said yes. Less than 30
hours later he died. How gracious is our God who calls His sheep even at
the last hour!

“In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to
make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in
you.” 1 Peter 3:15

This text has always resonated with me and I realize how important it is to
understand WHO Jesus is and WHAT He has done. These understandings
are a direct result of teaching the truth and helping others to apply it.

I am really excited about our new youth ministry that is starting shortly. We
already have our first ever “youth conference” for the students confirmed. It
is for anyone 12-18 years old and it is specifically geared towards
equipping them to be able to give answers, and reasons for hope. The date
is Saturday November 9, 2024. It is put on by Ligonier Ministries and it is
going to be fantastic. Here is the schedule.

9:15–9:35 a.m. — Who Is God? by Stephen Nichols
In Acts 17, the Apostle Paul presents the gospel to pagans in Athens, using
areas of common ground to lead his audience to an understanding of the
true and living God. This message will explore concepts including the self existence of God as well as His attributes, including His goodness,
sovereignty, and holiness.

9:40–10:10 a.m. — Is God Fair? by Nathan W. Bingham
Because the Almighty God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours as
limited creatures, some concepts and passages of Scripture can strike us
as confusing or disturbing. This can sometimes lead people to wonder, “Is
God a cosmic bully?” This message will address questions related to
tolerance, fairness, and God’s mercy.

10:45–11:15 a.m. — Panel Discussion: Your Truth, My Truth? with
Bancroft, Bingham, and Nichols
Is truth relative? Is everyone free to believe and behave as they please as
long as they’re not hurting anyone? This discussion will address questions
related to the objectivity of truth, the source of true authority, the testimony
of Scripture, and how to correctly recognize truth in a world of fake news,
deepfakes, and influencers.

11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. — Lunch

12:35–12:55 p.m. – Interview: Following Christ in the Digital Age with
Bingham and Nichols
We use Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat to connect with our friends.
These apps are great tools, but if we aren’t careful, they can hurt us—and
our friends. How can we use technology in a God-honoring way? This
conversation will cover some of the dangers and blessings of our digital

1:00–1:20 p.m. — More Than One Way? by Eric Bancroft
In contrast to the popular notion that there are many paths to God, the
Bible declares Jesus’ teaching that He is the only way of salvation (John
14:6). This message will contrast the biblical teaching on the exclusivity of
Christ with the concept of pluralism, as well as other religions and beliefs
such as Islam, Roman Catholicism, and the prosperity gospel.

1:40–2:00 p.m. — Panel Discussion: Identity and Freedom with Bancroft,
Bingham, and Nichols
Many people feel lost in a swirl of identity confusion and chaos today,
wondering who they are and where they fit in. This discussion will address
questions related to issues of gender and sexuality, where we can find a
sense of being and belonging, and how to answer the question “Who am

2:00–2:45 p.m. — Q&A: Got Questions? with Bancroft, Bingham, and

As a pastor, I feel a strong compulsion to ensure our youth are solid in the
faith and able to see through the lies of the world. There has never been a
generation of young people who have been exposed to what our kids are
being inundated with and we must help them to develop a biblical
worldview. This one-day conference in Aliso Viejo is just one step toward
that end.

There is a 20% discount for 10 or more students which makes the cost only
$28. A tremendously worthy investment in the life of your child. We will be
having sign ups and more details in a couple of weeks.

This weekend is the potluck so plan on spending some time with the family
over some good food and conversation. Sign up here.

I’ll have some exciting updates for you this weekend as well.


Pastor Scott





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