The Secret Treasures in Darkness

“Isa 45:3 “I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord” NIV

Hello Church Family,

Today we sprinkled my parent’s ashes into the Pacific Ocean. As I walked out into the bitterly cold and dark waters I wondered if the Lord would bring a treasure out of the “hidden places” where we least expect to find them.

I prayed and sensed a special kindness of the presence of God who brought grace to me in ways that are hard to put into words. I shed a tear or two and poured the ashes into the current. To my great surprise the ashes did not sink or dissipate. Instead, they made what I can only describe as a “river” that flowed out into the depths of the sea. It seemed to have a life of its own. It was eerie and yet beautiful.

I knew that this was the last time I would ever be with my mom at one of her favorite places and realized that it was time to fully let go. Holding on does not make us strong: but letting go does. I didn’t lose my parents, God simply took two of His children home. I cannot keep what never belonged to me.

As the ashes drifted out of sight I came back to the shore and felt the place we stood was holy ground. God is good and His grace is sufficient. We prayed for a while and then walked back to our cars. God had the sun peak out of the clouds which bought a smile to our faces.
Thank you again for your amazing grace to me over the last few months. I am so grateful for you all.

Sunday after church there is a missionary luncheon for Rich Robinson. Rich will give us an update of what the Lord is doing in the military. The church will be providing sandwiches so please bring a side to share. If you are coming you MUST sign up by tomorrow, Friday, so we know how much food to get. If you've already signed up, and you are coming, you don't need to do anything. If you've signed up and cannot attend, please be courteous and let Janet Ackelson know. Janet's email is:

Blessings to you all,

Pastor Scott





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