Hold Fast

Hold Fast
 Romans 12:9 “Hate what is evil, cling to what is good”

Dear CBC Family,

I wanted to take time this week to remind you all of some of the events coming up in the next few weeks at the church.

First of all, we have a Membership Matters class this Sunday right after the morning service. Lunch is being provided but you must sign up to attend. As it is getting late, just email me directly if you would like to be included. My email is scott.lowther@sandiegocbc.org.

Secondly, if you have children in the junior high, or senior high age group, please know that we will be kicking off our new youth ministry on Thursday, April 21st at 7:00 PM at the church. We will be providing pizza and drinks. Randy and Elizabeth Kucera will be facilitating this ministry going forward. If you have any questions about it, please contact me and I can fill you in. We will be starting with a midweek gathering for the students and eventually move to a morning service on Sundays as well. If you want to serve in this ministry, please let us know.

Thirdly, we are having Taco Sunday on April 3, again, right after the morning service. The church will provide the tacos and we are asking people to bring a side dish or dessert to share. The men will be cooking and serving. We will have our third annual salsa and guacamole contests at this event. A great time will be had by all. Please sign up so we know how much food to buy.

Easter is quickly approaching on Sunday, April 17. This is usually the busiest weekend of the year so please be in prayer about who you will be bringing that needs to know Jesus Christ. I sense an urgency about this year and want to exhort you to not let this great opportunity to invite a family member or friend to pass you by. We will begin that weekend with Good Friday (April 15) at 5:30 PM for a time of reflection and communion and finish off the weekend with a joyful celebration of our risen Savior on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM. Usually we do not have a Saturday night service on Easter weekend but I am considering something a little different. Ecc. 7:4 says “wisdom is found in the house of mourning…” I have often wondered how Jesus spent Saturday and would like to spend an hour discussing that and praying. If that sounds appealing let me know and I’ll open it up to the church.

This weekend we are in Romans 12:9 in a message I pulled straight from the text called “Hate What is Evil.” This will be quite eye-opening as we discuss the way love hates. I think you will be greatly encouraged so don’t let the title fool you.

Blessings to you all,

Pastor Scott





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