BBQ Time!

Dear CBC Family,

This weekend is our all-church BBQ!  It seems like we have been hearing about this event for a really long time and it has finally arrived. It begins at 12:00 PM and ends at 3:00 PM. Feel free to hang out afterwards and attend the Saturday night service. This is a fantastic opportunity to bring a friend to share in some great food and expose them to Christian fellowship. All the food is covered but we could always use some help serving. Instead of signing up, just show up and help us minister to God’s family.

Speaking of serving, we have a lot of areas where you can be involved if you have the desire and ability. Even if you don’t have the ability, we can train you. We have need of help in media, sound, video production, audio production, church app expansion and a host of other things. We are intending to start a weekly podcast that deals with current issues and biblical response to them. I’m calling the podcast “It is Written.” I pray it will be used by the Lord to help His people to see things from His perspective.

These are exciting times we live in and I am very grateful for each of you that stands with us as we “contend for the faith that has, once and for all, been delivered to the saints.”

Blessings to you all,

Pastor Scott





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