What's in a name?

Dear CBC Family

Ephesians 1:1 “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus.”

We’ve all felt small and insignificant from time to time – perhaps that’s how you feel now. Yet somehow, in this success-driven world in which we live, we think that’s a bad thing.

There’s something inside each one of us that yearns for recognition – for people to be amazed by our status or success. The Apostle Paul was one of those. Before he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, his name was actually Saul, named after Israel’s first king, who himself was tall and vain.

Saul of Tarsus was of the tribe of Benjamin, a member of Israel’s ruling body, the Sanhedrin, and excelled in the best schools.

As Saul writes of himself, he says he was “a Pharisee amongst Pharisees, a persecutor of the church, righteous under the law.” If anyone had the right to be called successful, it was him. But when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, the Lord gave him a new name. He was no longer to be called Saul but Paul, a name that he used from that point forward.

So, what’s in a name? Well, everything in the Hebrew culture. Your name defined you. And do you know what the name “Paul” means? It means, quite literally, “small”.

So, in order for this arrogant, abusive, albeit successful man to become useful in the hands of God, to become an apostle sent out by God to do His work, to write almost half of the books of the New Testament, Saul had to become Paul. He had to be made small. He had to be humbled.

In Christianity there is only room for one amazing man. Only one great man! Only one man worthy of praise and adoration and His name is Jesus Christ. He is exalted and we are His servants. When you’re in Christ, never, never be afraid of being small. It is, in fact, a really good thing.

This weekend is Taco Sunday. Remember you MUST sign up for this event. We are shopping this week so if you have not signed up, and are planning on coming, please call the office and let us know by Thursday.

The sermon this week will continue from verse 9 in a message titled “Hold Fast to What is Good.” This is a tremendous encouragement for all of us in the days in which we live.


Pastor Scott





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