The Protection of our Shepherd

Dear CBC Family,
I want to start this year off with a simple devotion I took from an online daily devotional a while back. I modified it pretty extensively though as I’m a stickler for truth. I pray you find it encouraging.
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. ... I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.” John 10:11, 14
Psalm 23 is one of the most famous and quoted Psalms in the Bible. It’s also one of the most widely memorized texts in Scripture. In it we are exposed to the Old Testament commentary on John 10:11 and 14.
As you read this Psalm, you’ll notice three important things the Good Shepherd does. There are 3 Ps. Provide, Protect and Promise.
The first thing He does is provide. Psalm 23:1 says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” The word “want” here means “lack.” In other words, because our Shepherd, Jesus, provides everything we need, we lack nothing! And although we may not get everything we want, He does give us everything we need. The truth is He has ALREADY given you everything you need for life and godliness. 2 Peter 1:3. A powerful godly life is already available to you. You do not need to wait for something, or someone, for that to take place.
It’s easy to feel like you need to do more, work harder, and sacrifice all you can to make things better for yourself and your family. However, the Lord is showing us that He wants us to look to Him for provision. He can open doors and bring opportunities your way when you trust Him and ask Him to provide. Phil 4:19 “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” This verse does not contradict Peter at all. The word “supply” is pretty important. It means God is “certain to continue, indefinitely to provide both now and into the future” what you need. In other words, you have everything you need today to live godly and tomorrow there will be an ongoing provision to keep living godly no matter what life brings you.
Psalm 23 demonstrates how our Good Shepherd provides for us: He provides contentment and peace. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters (verse 2). The green pastures refer to the rich Word of God, and the still waters refer to His peace. In other words, as you feed on His Word and abide in the Lord, He will fill you with contentment and lead you in peace.
He provides restoration. He restores my soul; ... (verse 3). We all experience things in life that are devastating to our mind, will, and emotions. This is why our souls need to be restored. Your Good Shepherd not only wants to restore your soul to the way it was before that devastating thing happened, but He also wants to refresh your soul to make it even better and stronger!
He provides guidance. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (verse 3). Righteousness means to be in right standing with God. Because of God’s grace and Jesus’ sacrifice, God views you through the lens of His Son when you receive Him as your Savior and Lord. And, you continue to walk in that righteousness when you yield to the Holy Spirit in such a way that your thoughts, words, and actions are what He would think, say and do. By yielding and abiding, your Good Shepherd will lead you and you will NEVER lack for anything necessary to honor and glorify Him in this life!
The second thing our Good Shepherd does is protect. Psalm 23:4 tells us that even in the valley of the shadow of death, we should not fear because God is there with us. For most of us, death is our greatest fear. A friend once told me he didn’t fear death, but he did fear snakes. The truth is he feared getting bitten by a snake and dying. In the same way, when someone says they’re afraid of heights, they’re afraid of falling and dying. Death is what brings us the most fear. But Jesus annihilated death when He conquered it on the cross! Death is actually the means by which Satan keeps people captive by this fear (Heb 2:15). The Lord wants us to rest in the assurance that He’s our protector and provider. I love that “The God of peace WILL crush Satan under our feet shortly.” (Romans 16:20). Our God of peace is a God of vengeance. And, we know from Revelation, that “soon” is NOT 2000 years. God will deliver you soon! Hab 2:3 “Though it (seems to) tarry, wait for it for it will surely come. It will NOT delay.”
The third thing our Good Shepherd does is promise. The final verse of Psalm 23 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” The word “surely” means “certainly.” It is certain; it’s a fact. You not only get provision and protection, but you also get goodness, mercy, and eternal life. If I were to sum up Psalm 23, it would be, “You get all of this and eternity in heaven with your Savior!” Isn’t that amazing?!
One of my favorite verses in the Old Testament is Ezekiel 34:12: “As a shepherd seeks out his flock on the day he is among his scattered sheep, so will I seek out My sheep and deliver them from all the places where they were scattered on a cloudy and dark day.” In this verse, God is saying, “Listen, I’m coming. I’m going to come and deliver all my sheep that have been scattered from everything that has held them in bondage. And you’ll know when I do it because it will be a cloudy and dark day.”
This is what Jesus did for us because He is our Good Shepherd. He gave His life for His sheep on a dark, cloudy day so we could be delivered from stress, anxiety, worry, fear, and even death. He promises to protect and provide for you. You simply have to learn to recognize His voice and follow Him.
Today, no matter what you’re experiencing in your life, you can be blessed knowing the Lord promises to protect and provide for you. That’s who our Good Shepherd is, and it’s why this is the most beloved Psalm!
This weekend we are back in Romans with an incredible text regarding God’s protection. Are you in a battle? Come join us and as the boxing announcer famously says “Let’s get ready to rumble.”
Blessings to you.
I want to start this year off with a simple devotion I took from an online daily devotional a while back. I modified it pretty extensively though as I’m a stickler for truth. I pray you find it encouraging.
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. ... I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.” John 10:11, 14
Psalm 23 is one of the most famous and quoted Psalms in the Bible. It’s also one of the most widely memorized texts in Scripture. In it we are exposed to the Old Testament commentary on John 10:11 and 14.
As you read this Psalm, you’ll notice three important things the Good Shepherd does. There are 3 Ps. Provide, Protect and Promise.
The first thing He does is provide. Psalm 23:1 says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” The word “want” here means “lack.” In other words, because our Shepherd, Jesus, provides everything we need, we lack nothing! And although we may not get everything we want, He does give us everything we need. The truth is He has ALREADY given you everything you need for life and godliness. 2 Peter 1:3. A powerful godly life is already available to you. You do not need to wait for something, or someone, for that to take place.
It’s easy to feel like you need to do more, work harder, and sacrifice all you can to make things better for yourself and your family. However, the Lord is showing us that He wants us to look to Him for provision. He can open doors and bring opportunities your way when you trust Him and ask Him to provide. Phil 4:19 “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” This verse does not contradict Peter at all. The word “supply” is pretty important. It means God is “certain to continue, indefinitely to provide both now and into the future” what you need. In other words, you have everything you need today to live godly and tomorrow there will be an ongoing provision to keep living godly no matter what life brings you.
Psalm 23 demonstrates how our Good Shepherd provides for us: He provides contentment and peace. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters (verse 2). The green pastures refer to the rich Word of God, and the still waters refer to His peace. In other words, as you feed on His Word and abide in the Lord, He will fill you with contentment and lead you in peace.
He provides restoration. He restores my soul; ... (verse 3). We all experience things in life that are devastating to our mind, will, and emotions. This is why our souls need to be restored. Your Good Shepherd not only wants to restore your soul to the way it was before that devastating thing happened, but He also wants to refresh your soul to make it even better and stronger!
He provides guidance. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (verse 3). Righteousness means to be in right standing with God. Because of God’s grace and Jesus’ sacrifice, God views you through the lens of His Son when you receive Him as your Savior and Lord. And, you continue to walk in that righteousness when you yield to the Holy Spirit in such a way that your thoughts, words, and actions are what He would think, say and do. By yielding and abiding, your Good Shepherd will lead you and you will NEVER lack for anything necessary to honor and glorify Him in this life!
The second thing our Good Shepherd does is protect. Psalm 23:4 tells us that even in the valley of the shadow of death, we should not fear because God is there with us. For most of us, death is our greatest fear. A friend once told me he didn’t fear death, but he did fear snakes. The truth is he feared getting bitten by a snake and dying. In the same way, when someone says they’re afraid of heights, they’re afraid of falling and dying. Death is what brings us the most fear. But Jesus annihilated death when He conquered it on the cross! Death is actually the means by which Satan keeps people captive by this fear (Heb 2:15). The Lord wants us to rest in the assurance that He’s our protector and provider. I love that “The God of peace WILL crush Satan under our feet shortly.” (Romans 16:20). Our God of peace is a God of vengeance. And, we know from Revelation, that “soon” is NOT 2000 years. God will deliver you soon! Hab 2:3 “Though it (seems to) tarry, wait for it for it will surely come. It will NOT delay.”
The third thing our Good Shepherd does is promise. The final verse of Psalm 23 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” The word “surely” means “certainly.” It is certain; it’s a fact. You not only get provision and protection, but you also get goodness, mercy, and eternal life. If I were to sum up Psalm 23, it would be, “You get all of this and eternity in heaven with your Savior!” Isn’t that amazing?!
One of my favorite verses in the Old Testament is Ezekiel 34:12: “As a shepherd seeks out his flock on the day he is among his scattered sheep, so will I seek out My sheep and deliver them from all the places where they were scattered on a cloudy and dark day.” In this verse, God is saying, “Listen, I’m coming. I’m going to come and deliver all my sheep that have been scattered from everything that has held them in bondage. And you’ll know when I do it because it will be a cloudy and dark day.”
This is what Jesus did for us because He is our Good Shepherd. He gave His life for His sheep on a dark, cloudy day so we could be delivered from stress, anxiety, worry, fear, and even death. He promises to protect and provide for you. You simply have to learn to recognize His voice and follow Him.
Today, no matter what you’re experiencing in your life, you can be blessed knowing the Lord promises to protect and provide for you. That’s who our Good Shepherd is, and it’s why this is the most beloved Psalm!
This weekend we are back in Romans with an incredible text regarding God’s protection. Are you in a battle? Come join us and as the boxing announcer famously says “Let’s get ready to rumble.”
Blessings to you.
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