
Dear CBC Family,
2 Timothy 2:7 “Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.”
The one thing we’re not short of today is information. And, as we’re being bombarded left, right and center, the big decision for each of us is, whom or what do I choose to believe?
As you stand back and look at all the craziness going on in our world today, you must ask yourself why conspiracy theories have become such a big thing? Sure, they’ve been around since ancient times. But these days, millions of people are being duped by ideas that are so outrageously wrong – ideas that fly in the face of the most basic facts which are plainly visible to all, facts that even a child can discern – that it blows your mind.
It comes down to who and what we choose to believe. When the Apostle Paul writes to his young ministry protégé Timothy, he says this:
2 Timothy 2:7 “Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.”
In other words, use the renewed mind that God has given you to discern the truth. God tells us to think biblically, and with the help of His Spirit, weigh the evidence and He will give us understanding.
That is the responsibility on each of us. With the aid of social media and bad actors, malevolent movements are misleading millions with fabricated untruths. By all means, let’s have a healthy skepticism of political agendas and commercially driven spin – but any believer in Christ has an even greater responsibility: to ascertain the facts, to think them through before God, and to be driven by the truth, not by agendas. When agendas replace truth, then we are in a very dangerous place. Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.
Last night we had our first youth event, and it was great! I am excited about what the Lord will be doing in this group with Randy and Elizabeth at the helm. Right now, we are just meeting on Thursdays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. If you have a junior high, or senior high, student then please consider having them attend. The goal is relationship building and growth with other believers in Jesus Christ.
This weekend we are in Romans with an amazing text before us: “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” This is the cry of the Spirit, to those with an ear to hear, in our day as the love of many continues to wax cold. The zeal of God's house consumed Jesus Himself, thus, the Lord cannot bless a lukewarm spirit. A "fervent" or “burning” spirit is what Jesus seeks to produce in all who would be like Him and finish well. I pray you will join us as we open God’s holy word to this powerful section of Romans.
Lastly, there continues to be several projects around the church that we could really use some help with. Room 700 is in partial demo and needs to be painted before we begin on the floor. Tris is heading up the painting so if you would like to push a roller or stroke a brush then please volunteer so we can get it finished ASAP. I am heading up the floor team and that will begin right after the paint. The floor will be heavy duty laminate so if you would like to learn how to do it in your own home then join the team and I’ll teach you.
Blessings to you all,
Pastor Scott
2 Timothy 2:7 “Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.”
The one thing we’re not short of today is information. And, as we’re being bombarded left, right and center, the big decision for each of us is, whom or what do I choose to believe?
As you stand back and look at all the craziness going on in our world today, you must ask yourself why conspiracy theories have become such a big thing? Sure, they’ve been around since ancient times. But these days, millions of people are being duped by ideas that are so outrageously wrong – ideas that fly in the face of the most basic facts which are plainly visible to all, facts that even a child can discern – that it blows your mind.
It comes down to who and what we choose to believe. When the Apostle Paul writes to his young ministry protégé Timothy, he says this:
2 Timothy 2:7 “Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.”
In other words, use the renewed mind that God has given you to discern the truth. God tells us to think biblically, and with the help of His Spirit, weigh the evidence and He will give us understanding.
That is the responsibility on each of us. With the aid of social media and bad actors, malevolent movements are misleading millions with fabricated untruths. By all means, let’s have a healthy skepticism of political agendas and commercially driven spin – but any believer in Christ has an even greater responsibility: to ascertain the facts, to think them through before God, and to be driven by the truth, not by agendas. When agendas replace truth, then we are in a very dangerous place. Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.
Last night we had our first youth event, and it was great! I am excited about what the Lord will be doing in this group with Randy and Elizabeth at the helm. Right now, we are just meeting on Thursdays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. If you have a junior high, or senior high, student then please consider having them attend. The goal is relationship building and growth with other believers in Jesus Christ.
This weekend we are in Romans with an amazing text before us: “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” This is the cry of the Spirit, to those with an ear to hear, in our day as the love of many continues to wax cold. The zeal of God's house consumed Jesus Himself, thus, the Lord cannot bless a lukewarm spirit. A "fervent" or “burning” spirit is what Jesus seeks to produce in all who would be like Him and finish well. I pray you will join us as we open God’s holy word to this powerful section of Romans.
Lastly, there continues to be several projects around the church that we could really use some help with. Room 700 is in partial demo and needs to be painted before we begin on the floor. Tris is heading up the painting so if you would like to push a roller or stroke a brush then please volunteer so we can get it finished ASAP. I am heading up the floor team and that will begin right after the paint. The floor will be heavy duty laminate so if you would like to learn how to do it in your own home then join the team and I’ll teach you.
Blessings to you all,
Pastor Scott
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