The Christmas story you never knew

Dear CBC Family,
“We used to be a Christian nation,” said sociologist Alan Wolfe of Boston University in 1998. “Recently we have become a nation tolerant of all religions” –except Christianity. Behind the diversity and tolerance lies the view all religions are ultimately the same. Since this is not the Christian message, Christmas will not bring us together, so Christmas must go. But not only Christmas. Winter and Spring Break now replace Christmas and Easter.”
Our present situation reminds us that we will always be the church militant, struggling for the truth, just as at the First Noel. When our Savior was being born, there was no Christmas music playing in the hotels, no joy to the world, certainly no peace on earth and good will toward men. The Romans were moving people around for social control, while celebrating the pagan feast of Saturnalia, the birthday of the sun and light. Herod, the half–Arab King of the Jews, in the name of “choice” (his), ordered a mass post–partum abortion of all the male Christmas babies. No one had a clue that it was Christmas, let alone used the word.
The First Noel also reminds us that the reality of Christmas happened anyway. Into that idolatrous scene of sin and unspeakable cruelty, shone a healing light from heaven. God the transcendent Creator had mercy on his creation, bringing help into a fallen, rebellious world, when we could not help ourselves. 700 years before Jesus’ birth, Israel was comforted by the mere prophecy of His coming. Isa 9:6-7 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end.”
Join us tomorrow night at 5:00-6:00 PM for a Christmas message I called “The Unknown Story of Christmas”. We will be looking at the Christmas record through the old Rabbinic literature. You have never heard the Nativity story like this! It’s pretty amazing! Bring someone who needs to encounter the peace of God that passes understanding. We will have cookies and hot chocolate for you to take with you when you leave.
Remember we will NOT have service on Christmas day but will have our regular time of gathering on December 26th at 10:00 AM where we will look at a stunning text in Romans 12.
To our great church family, I want to wish you and yours the most beautiful Christmas ever.
Pastor Scott
“We used to be a Christian nation,” said sociologist Alan Wolfe of Boston University in 1998. “Recently we have become a nation tolerant of all religions” –except Christianity. Behind the diversity and tolerance lies the view all religions are ultimately the same. Since this is not the Christian message, Christmas will not bring us together, so Christmas must go. But not only Christmas. Winter and Spring Break now replace Christmas and Easter.”
Our present situation reminds us that we will always be the church militant, struggling for the truth, just as at the First Noel. When our Savior was being born, there was no Christmas music playing in the hotels, no joy to the world, certainly no peace on earth and good will toward men. The Romans were moving people around for social control, while celebrating the pagan feast of Saturnalia, the birthday of the sun and light. Herod, the half–Arab King of the Jews, in the name of “choice” (his), ordered a mass post–partum abortion of all the male Christmas babies. No one had a clue that it was Christmas, let alone used the word.
The First Noel also reminds us that the reality of Christmas happened anyway. Into that idolatrous scene of sin and unspeakable cruelty, shone a healing light from heaven. God the transcendent Creator had mercy on his creation, bringing help into a fallen, rebellious world, when we could not help ourselves. 700 years before Jesus’ birth, Israel was comforted by the mere prophecy of His coming. Isa 9:6-7 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end.”
Join us tomorrow night at 5:00-6:00 PM for a Christmas message I called “The Unknown Story of Christmas”. We will be looking at the Christmas record through the old Rabbinic literature. You have never heard the Nativity story like this! It’s pretty amazing! Bring someone who needs to encounter the peace of God that passes understanding. We will have cookies and hot chocolate for you to take with you when you leave.
Remember we will NOT have service on Christmas day but will have our regular time of gathering on December 26th at 10:00 AM where we will look at a stunning text in Romans 12.
To our great church family, I want to wish you and yours the most beautiful Christmas ever.
Pastor Scott
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