I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling;
1 Timothy 2:8
Our mission is to see people worship the Lord, not only on Sundays, but every day of their lives. We strive to create an atmosphere in every worship service that draws people into the presence of the Lord, and allows Him to minister to their needs as He draws near to us.
The purpose of the worship ministry at CBC is to lead the people of this church into a lifestyle of worship.
Join the team!
We love to include new people! Normally we will meet with new folks one on one to get to know you, and extend the invitation to begin attending our rehearsals. Once we have gotten a sense of who you are in terms of the requirements listed below, and seen how well you gel with the team - an evaluation process that usually takes a few weeks to a month - we'll begin scheduling you with the teams.
If you would like to become an active part of the worship ministry, please feel free to contact us at any time! We would love to get to know you and connect you to the ministry area where you can be the most effective in building His kingdom!
If you would like to become an active part of the worship ministry, please feel free to contact us at any time! We would love to get to know you and connect you to the ministry area where you can be the most effective in building His kingdom!
Requirements for serving on worship team
Become a member at CBC
To start that process, please read the CBC Statement of Faith (aka What We Believe) on the About Us page
Read/Agree with the CBC Philosophy of Worship
Access the philosophy of worship doc, here!
Meet the biblical standards of serving
Access the biblical standards of serving, here!
Interview w/the worship director
commit to regularly attend rehearsals
Core Values
In accordance with the values established in these statements, these are the criteria we look at for prospective participants in our Worship ministry:
- Attitude
- Ability
- Availability
- Commitment
- Consistency
- Character