"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Acts 1:8
CBC Missions Committee
We support missionaries who are endeavoring to fulfill the Great Commission in North & South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. They reach out to students, military, children, prisoners, homeless, Bibleless people, and orphans. They are church planters, educators, disciple makers, and encouragers.

Committee Purpose
To be a liaison between our missionaries and Community Bible Church
To interview potential missionaries to see if they meet the strict requirements of scripture and the church.
To correspond with each missionary and to receive a monthly report which will be shared with the congregation.
To faithfully undergird each missionary with prayer
To help in the recruitment of both short-term and long-term missionaries from our local body who are called to the mission field.
To host our missionaries when they come to visit and give a report to the church.
Join Our missions Committee
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to [LOCATION]
If you are interested in joining the committee or would like more missions information, please contact Dr. Lon Ackelson, by clicking the button below:
Meet the Missionaries.
CBC exists to build up believers and invite other to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We support missionaries all around the world who seek to fulfill both of these mandates. This is not an exhaustive list, as some of our missionaries must carry out their work in secrecy, due to hostile political environments of the mission field. Please continue to pray for these "Unknown" missionaries. Page down to view more of our missionaries.

Navigators, Military Ministry
Ministry: My current role is Associate Director for the US Military Ministry. My primary responsibilities now include helping lead the US Military Ministry, sharing the responsibilities for overseeing, leading ,stewarding, shepherding the Vision, Mission, Values and Strategy, the staff, and field and administrative ministries of our work. My regional oversight includes the Pacific Southwest, Northwest, and Pacific Regions-Hawaii, Okinawa, and Korea.

Tom Short Campus Ministries
Ministry: Tom is a campus evangelist, church equipper, and ministry trainer. Beginning in the 1970s, he has been to over 100 college campuses and works with over 30 churches worldwide, primarily within the Great Commissions Churches network. Tom is also involved internationally with evangelism and training workers in Europe and Asia.