I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling;
1 Timothy 2:8
[what we're doing today]
"The CBC Men’s ministry helps men develop intimacy with God through Jesus Christ, through prayer, and so instill confidence in sharing the Word of God through study, while fostering dependence on each other through fellowship: cultivating godly leadership in the home, servants in the Church, and witnesses for Christ in the community."

[what the men's ministry is aiming towards]
The men’s ministry promotes and develops the following godly qualities in men:
"Desiring intimacy with God in prayer and worship."
"Understanding and cultivating the word of God in others."
"Desiring to unify the hearts of the brethren in the faith."
Men's Recurring Events
Men's RoundTable
Community Bible Church
Saturdays at @ 8am
Room 700 (back of building)
The Men's Roundtable is a time of fellowship, prayer, and intentional study through the word. Facilitated by a group lead, this is a great opportunity to get to know the men of CBC, and closer to Jesus, our Lord!
Church HikeS

Various Locations
The Men's ministry helps to sponsor church wide - family - hikes. keep an eye out, and sign up for push notifications to stay informed on the next hike, and make sure to bring your family and friends!
Core Values
- Desire for God
- Prayer
- Worship
- Child-like faith
- Unity in fellowship
- Gospel sharing
- Service to the Church
- Sanctified life