Bible Institute

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:15

The hope of the Bible Institute is that what you learn in the classroom will be applied across all areas of life. When we know more about who God is and what He expects of us as His disciples, the more that our desire to share His love with others will grow as well.

Read below, to view the current curriculum!

Hebrews (PART II)  ALIVE!

The Spring 2025 quarter will feature Hebrews  (Part III).  It is an interactive study of the book of  of Hebrews 10:1-13:25 and has practical help for any Christian.

We continue our study in the first New Testament General Book, beginning with the fact that the yearly ceremonies of the Day of Atonement were ineffective because "it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." Christ’s blood shed on Calvary is the only sin remover we need! The Old Testament Day of Atonement was a picture of the final atonement that Jesus brought after dying on a cross to pay the penalty of the sins of all saved people as well as providing a righteous life for them. We will see that the new covenant with God is much better than the old covenant. We will also see that those addressed by the divine author had suffered persecution for their faith in the middle 60’s of the first century. Then we will enter the Hebrews 11 hall of faith of fifteen Old Testament saints: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, and Samuel. Next is an exhortation to perseverance, looking to Jesus, and persecution ahead for those addressed in the book. From the acceptance of life's discipline in general, the writer turns to the way this discipline is applied in Christian experience. The book of Hebrews then deals with practical points of Christianity: love, leadership, sacrifice, obedience, and prayer. The divine author rounds off his letter with a magnificent doxology and a few greetings, all to the glory of God.

Hebrews is a linking book, dealing with the Old Testament Books of the Law (Hebrew Torah) and the New Testament, linking the Old Testament Torah books to the New Testament General Book of Hebrews. Since Christ is all over the book of Hebrews, students of this book are recommended to study or review the four books of the New Testament Gospels.

Hebrews is a linking book from another standpoint. It was written just before or early in the invasion of Israel by Rome from A.D. 66 to 70. Thus, Hebrews is linked to the invasion of the divine author’s homeland by Rome. The reason for the first invasion of Israel was in response to a rebellion against Rome by the Jews. They quelled the uprising and some Roman troops remained in Israel. Emperor Nero in A.D. 64 started a huge fire in Rome that he blamed on Christians, so they face crucifixion from that date in the Roman Empire that included Israel.

Class Highlights

This class shows us important attributes of God. It will help us as Christians to grow spiritually as we learn more about our Creator and ourselves and applies many Bible principles to our lives today. If you want to be discipled, this class will do that. There are no prerequisite requirements to take this class.  

Class Start Date

The first class is Monday, April 7

Class Duration

April 7th  - June 2nd
Mondays at 7:00pm - 8:30pm, Room 700

How to Sign Up?

Sign up at the welcome center, or email Dr. Lon, by clicking the button below. 

General Inquires?

For general inquiries regarding our Bible Institute, please contact the office

The Doctrine of the Word of God

The class on the Doctrine of the Word of God will be an interactive study of what the Bible teaches us about itself. The class will be a benefit to anyone seeking a foundational understanding of what the Bible is. We will deal with several common questions about the Bible.

The class on the Doctrine of the Word of God will be an interactive study of what the Bible teaches us about itself. The class will be a benefit to anyone seeking a foundational understanding of what the Bible is. We will deal with several common questions about the Bible.

What is the Word of God? We will study the aspects of the Word of God as the person of God and speech by God.

Why does the Bible have a fixed number of books? We will look at the historical process of compiling the Bible into the 66 books that we have today. We will see why the books that are in the Bible were included and others were excluded.

How can we know that the Bible is the Word of God? We will examine the authority of Scripture: what the Bible claims for itself as being the authentic Word of God.

Is the Bible free from any errors? On the basis of the authenticity of the Bible as the Word of God, we will see that the Bible teaches that God cannot lie and, therefore, His words are completely true and without error in any part.

Can ordinary people understand the Bible? We will study the fact that for those who God has caused to be teachable by being born again, the teachings of the Bible are understandable. We will briefly encounter the study of Hermeneutics, or the biblical rules of interpretation.

Why is the Bible necessary to know God? We will discuss how the Bible is necessary to come to saving faith, live an authentic Christ-centered life and know God’s will.

Is the Bible all we need to know God? We will examine the sufficiency of Scripture. This means that Scripture contains all the words of God we need for salvation and for trusting and obeying God. We are not allowed to take away from or add to Scripture or seek any further revelation.

Class Highlights

The purpose of this class is to help you get a firm grip on the word of God and its author. We will be using two additional resources along with the Bible which are:  Systematic Theology and the Systematic Theology Workbook by Wayne Grudem. You can order them new or used on Amazon. Please contact me if you wish to purchase them in class. Also, please bring a three-ring binder. If you want to further your understanding of the Bible as a whole , this class will do that.

Class Start Date


Class Duration


How to Sign Up?

Sign up at the welcome center, or email David Zook, by clicking the button below. 

General Inquires?

For general inquiries regarding our Bible Institute, please contact the office